26 October 2010

Calling all Facebook fans!

If you're into Facebook and love checking out new pages, feel free to check out and 'like' my new page Jo Holden Fine Art to keep up to date with new portraits, news and information.
Happy drawing everyone!
Jo :)

20 October 2010

New city... fresh start!

Our little family recently moved (for the 14th time in 10 years... yep, it's true!) to beautiful Melbourne. So, with this huge move, I decided a fresh start was in order. I had wanted to change my business name for a few months and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

So, "Fine Etch Pencil Portraits" is no more... and I will now be known as "Jo Holden Fine Art". This name enables me to not only concentrate on portraits, but also on other types of art including canvas work and illustration. I also dabble in graphic design and really enjoyed creating my new logo and freshening up my website.

If you're looking for me on the web, you can now find me at http://www.joholdenfineart.com.au/.

Happy drawing everyone!
Jo :)